the funds
CFSKY empowers and strengthens the resources already within the community, providing an easy and effective vehicle for people to achieve their charitable dream.We maximize a donor’s gift through cutting-edge planned giving and sound, pooled investing, all while keeping a finger on the pulse of the community—serving to connect people and resources to build a vision for a better tomorrow.
Donate to any of these funds online. If you have any questions contact us at 270-904-2079 or email:
The Community Foundation accepts a wide variety of charitable assets as defined in CFSKY’s Gift Acceptance Procedures. The Board of Directors exercises control over all CFSKY assets and has the sole authority to accept or decline any proposed gift. Our acceptance policy can be viewed by clicking on the button below.
BG Rotary Foundation
BG/WC Recovery Fund
On December 11, 2021, Bowling Green/Warren County received a severe storm that created several touchdowns of tornados in the community. All told a total of three tornados hit the area ranging up to an EF2. BG/WC Long-term Recovery Group will provide coordinated management of the long-term recovery to residents and provide additional long-term assistance to individuals affected by the disaster who do not have adequate personal resources for basic needs as a result of the disaster.