The Community Foundation accepts a wide variety of charitable assets as defined in CFSKY’s Gift Acceptance Procedures.
The Board of Directors exercises control over all CFSKY assets and has the sole authority to accept or decline any proposed gift.
Our policy can be viewed by clicking the link below.
view our gift acceptance policy here
Donor Advised Funds
offer you active participation by allowing you or your appointed advisers to recommend charitable organizations to benefit from your fund. You receive immediate tax benefits and can advise on grants for non-profits you want to support over time.Designated Funds
allow you to identify a specific or multiple non-profit organization(s) to receive support from your fund. Should that organization ever cease to exist or should its mission no longer agree with your interest, CFSKY will redirect the grant distributions to organizations with similar purposes.Scholarship Funds
allow you to identify a specific provide deserving students with financial support for education they might not otherwise receive. Scholarships are designed with your specific interests in mind—you can help define the guidelines for candidate selection and award use.Agency Endowment Funds
are established by non-profit organizations as a means of protecting charitable dollars for the future. A non-profit, whether large or small, can better spend its time pursuing its mission and fundraising, while leaving the management and investment of the fund to CFSKY.Field of Interest Funds
allow you to support a broad area you care about most, such as health care, education, arts, the environment or any other host of areas that interest you. You specify the field and rely on CFSKY to identify local organizations that will make the greatest impact and meet the most pressing needs within your field.Unrestricted Funds
give you the opportunity to identify and respond to emerging and changing community needs. You place no restrictions on how your contribution is to be used, leaving those decisions to CFSKY.Operating Funds
are established to support and sustain the core operations of CFSKY and help it further its mission.Deferred Gifts
include bequests, pooled income funds, life estates, charitable lead trusts or charitable remainder trusts—all of which CFSKY can help you establish in partnership with your estate planning attorney, CPA or financial adviser.